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Right nostril breathing improves your metabolism and your digestion

Healthspan with Lifespan


Slow digesting (low glycemic index) pre-workout foods:

1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Grapes
4. Grapefruit
5. 1/2 cup of pasta
6. A few slices of whole-grain bread
7. Oats
8. Yogurt
9. Nuts
10. 1/2 cup of brown rice

When you don’t have time to eat before working out you can switch to faster-digesting foods to get short burst of energy to be eaten 20–30 mints before:

1. Bananas
2. Raisins
3. Dates
4. Energy bars

Foods to avoid before exercise:

Foods with a lot of fat or fiber are difficult & slow to digest.

1. Meats.
2. Doughnuts
3. Fries
4. Potato chips
5. Candy bars should be avoided in a pre-exercise meal.

Food intake during exercise:

Should be easy to swallow with limited chewing.
Liquids are the best options;
1. Sports drink
2. Liquid meal supplement
3. Sports bar
4. Jelly beans
5. Bananas

Post-workout foods:
1. Protein shake
2. Chocolate milk
3. Pineapples
4. Yoghurt
5. Buttermilk
6. Boiled egg whites
7. Chicken & mixed vegetables
8. Rasgulla (squeezed & washed in water)
9. Dried fruits & nuts
10. Whole wheat crackers
11. Salmon & mashed potatoes
12. Cereal & skim milk
13. Fruit smoothie

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